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Developer Training Program

Quantum Buildings Pty Ltd / Developer Training Program


877 Princes Hwy Springvale Vic 3171


December 2016

The continued demand and steady growth of Australian real estate has attracted more and more investors to enter, but it is not easy to become a successful developer in a short time. Many beginners have gone a long way in the process of practice, and have not seen objective gains for several years. This has also spawned a number of leather bag companies that provide project development management. While advocating objective benefits, they have to extract high management commissions from them, leaving the developers with little profit left. At the same time, if the investment fails, these so-called project management companies often fail to give investors any compensation, and developers will face the risk of losing money.


Based on the advice of the old customers of Quantum Buildings, Quantum Buildings will hold a real estate development elite training course (DTP) from 2016 onwards. We will be a real estate development practitioner in Melbourne for more than ten years, through the system of real estate development course training, to answer questions and understand the comprehensive real estate development knowledge. Course instructors will have Registered Architect, Certified Planning Practioner, Registered Domestic & Commercial Builder, Certified Practising Accountants.


The DTP course covers a wide range of development and management principles. In the context of Victoria’s real estate development, the instructor will introduce Quantum Buildings’s actual combat cases over the past ten years, focusing on all aspects of real estate development projects.


Elective areas of study include:

  • Marketing (Market Research)
  • Site Purchase (land purchase)
  • Concept Design & Planning Permit Application (Design and Approval Application)
  • Finance (financial plan)
  • Pre-sale Distribution (pre-sale planning)
  • Construction Company Engagement (builder’s choice)
  • Project Management

Huaxia Voice AM1629 Series Lecture


At the end of 2016, Quantum Buildings Australia and ACR Media Group jointly completed three live broadcasts of architectural planning and real estate development.

At the invitation of Melbourne China Radio Broadcasting Station ACR1629, Victoria & Registered Builder, Victorian Registered Designer, Certified Practising Planner, former RMIT Institute of Architecture Lecturer Mr. Zheng Pinhua, the founder of Garden City Australia, was the guest of the AM1629 live broadcast of Huaxia Voice. He participated in the “Huaxia Service Station” section and discussed with the host Jia Yang in depth the various aspects and key issues of real estate development in Victoria.


October 29, 2016.
Topic: How to properly handle the relationship between the developer (Party) / Owner and Builder

  1. How to ensure construction quality and material quality
  2. How to guarantee the total price of the contract, no or less additional charges
  3. How to guarantee the construction period
  4. How to identify the true and false of the builder


November 20, 2016.
Topic: How to build a homeowner how to use the law and the power given by the government to protect themselves

  1. How much power does the law give to the owner?
  2. How much power the government gives to the homeowner
  3. How to make good use of the law and the government’s power to the homeowner


November 26, 2016.
Topic: How to buy land for development